


H2 - City Bird - Belgium - Brussels to the US, Mexico and Europe
HA - Hawaiian Airlines - USA - All Hawaiian islands and west coast USA
HF - Hapag-Lloyd - Germany - Extensive network of European holiday destinations using A310s and B737s
HH - Islandsflug - Iceland - Domestic flights on B737s, ATR-42s, Dornier 228s and a Piper Chieftan
HK - Yangon Airways - Myanmar - Regional airline
HM - Air Seychelles - Seychelles - From European and African capitals to the Indian Ocean paradise
HP - America West Airlines - USA - Hubbed in Arizona
HQ - HMY Airways - Canada - B757s between Vancouver and Toronto
HR - Hahn Air - Germany - Charters on Fairchilds and SAABs
HSA - East African Safari Air - Kenya - France and Italy to Nairobi, plus charters
HV - Transavia - Netherlands - Amsterdam to Eurpoean holiday spots
HY - Uzbekistan Airways - From Tashkent to Asia and Europe



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